
Theology for Everyone

Our desire is to make high-quality theological education available for everyone. In partnership with The Way College, some of our college-level classes have been made available for audit. Below are a list of courses that you can sign-up for.

Contemporary Worldview & Apologetics

with Chris Price

July 2-5, 2024 | 12:45pm - 2:30pm
The Way Church North Vancouver

Apologetics is the art of both defending and commending the Christian faith to unbelievers and believers alike. Apologetics is, in the words of 1 Peter 3:15, “giv[ing] a reason for the hope that is within us.” In our lives, we will all be apologists for the Christian faith at some point or another. The question is, “Will we be prepared, or not?” Contemporary Worldview and Apologetics functions to prepare the student to answer common objections to the Christian faith, as well as communicate a positive case for the truth and continued relevance of the Biblical worldview. Throughout this learning experience we will discuss: the existence of God, the reality of miracles, the problem of evil and suffering, the reliability of the New Testament and much more. Students will come away with a more robust understanding of their faith, increasingly equipped to address the primary barriers to belief in a post-Christian culture.

Parables of Jesus: Pictures of His Father and His Kingdom

with Darrell Johnson

July 2-5, 2024 | 9:00am - 12:00pm
The Way Church North Vancouver

Jesus of Nazareth is best known throughout history for, among other things, two great facts. First, that He was crucified on a Roman cross. Second, that He taught in parables. Yes, He also taught in more formal discourses, as we see in the Gospel of John. But He primarily taught in stories, as we see in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, stories that immediately gripped His listeners, even if they did not immediately understand what He was opening up to them. Through His parables Jesus reveals His understanding of Who His Father is and what He is like, painting a surprising portrait, His revelation turning our understanding around and even up-side down. And through His parables Jesus reveals His understanding of the nature of the kingdom He is bringing to being in the world.

Genesis 1-11

with Darrell Johnson

Spring 2024

In this course, we will work with the conviction that Genesis 1–11 is “the first half of the Bible,” Genesis 12—Revelation 22 the “second half of the Bible. In Genesis 1–11 we have the “beginnings” of creation, the creation of humanity [for a four-fold relational harmony], the entrance of evil into God’s good world, the tragic fall of the first humans into sin, the spiraling breakdown of the four-fold harmony, and thus the overwhelming need for rescue and restoration “from outside” ourselves, setting the stage for the first announcement of the gospel in Genesis 12:1–3. We will discover that the story/stories of these foundational chapters of the Bible help us begin to make sense of the larger human story and our stories with that story.